1. The content of the poster should cover title, objectives, methodology, results, discussion and conclusion.
  2. The poster size must not exceed
  1. Oral presentations are required to be made by PowerPoint 2003 or higher.
  2. Standard fonts, such as Arial, Times New Roman or Cordia New are preferable for the PowerPoint presentation.
  3. All speakers are required to load and check the files in slide loading room at least 2 hours before the presentation.
  4. The presentation time for general oral presentation is . The time for invited presentation is .
  5. A PC computer and an LCD projector will be provided.

Submission Guidelines

General Information

  1. can submit only
  2. Authors must
  3. Abstract, highlight and full paper must
  4. Abstract, highlight and full paper must be
  5. Abstract can be submitted either for oral or poster presentation. Please note that abstract submitted for oral presentation may be accepted as poster presentation, depending on the available time slot.
  6. All presenters must register and pay the registration fee by , otherwise their abstracts will automatically be withdrawn from the program.
  7. can be submitted from
  8. will be available on for download prior to the meeting.
  9. will be printed in the
  10. will be published as

Submission Guidelines

  1. Abstract must be prepared using
  2. Abstract must be written in English and must
  3. Abstract must and may include one photograph (table, diagram is not allowed), but it must not exceed one A4 page.
  4. Name your abstract file as
Abstract Template Example Abstract

Submission Guidelines

  1. Highlight must be prepared using
  2. Highlight must be written in English and formatted in A5 page.
  3. Highlight contains of text only.
  4. Table, graph, diagram, or graphic
  5. Name your highlight file as
Highlight Template Example Highlight

Submission Guidelines

  1. Full paper must be prepared using
  2. Full paper must
  3. Full paper must be named as , for example,
  4. Acceptance of your abstract does not guarantee acceptance of your full paper. Full papers will be subjected to peer reviews.
Full Paper Template

Submission Guidelines

  1. Abstract, Highlight and Full paper must be
  2. Name your revised file as or for the first revision and change “R1” to “R2” for the second revision, etc.
  3. Respond to the reviewers' comments by
  4. Name your revised file with highlight as or for the first revision and change “RH1” to “RH2” for the second revision, etc.
Online Submission
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